Life Start Generic Pharmacy

Monday to Saturday - 9.30 to19.30
Sunday - Closed
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Welcome to India's Fastest Growing Generic Medicine Company
Save up-to 70% On All Types of Quality Generic Medicine

"Be a part of a winning team"
Life Start Generic Pharma works with franchisees of
Generic Medicines for a socio-economic cause.
Grand inaugural function of our new franchise @ Kolhapur
Know more about us, our futuristic vision and our profit making venture.

Join us as a franchise. Make a successful business in a profit making industry.

The first step
Where ‘health for all’ is a shout out of WHO; the organization struggling hard for improving health facilities all over the globe. They suggest that health, clean drinking water and sanitation must be a priority of any developing nation such as India. Among the journey of life, many of us suffer from various lifestyle illnesses. And today's lifestyle has become such that many ailments have clung to us. They are diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, etc. For such people, medicines are a way of life; due to which, people are suffering from the cost of medicine every month. No matter how hard you try, the amount of medicine you take cannot be reduced to zero. A few medicines work as a lifeguard through the life. Pharmaceutical industry became a profit making activity as it is directly linked with our lives.

Where the monthly cost of medicines for many is in the thousands; it becomes next to impossible for a layman to be keen about health. But as we know an ancient belief, ‘every black cloud has a silver lining’; this is true to pharmaceutical and health care industry as well.  The truth revealed because of generic medicines. So far, India is the largest supplier of generic medicines in the world. But now, due to newly introduced policies of the government of India; generic medicines are an inseparable part of the healthcare industry. The very basic difference between branded medicines & generic medicines is a cost difference. With a vision of ‘Making Health Care Affordable’ we are ready to launch our new venture, Life Start Generic Pharma.

Contact us to know more about a new business opportunity.

You are at the right place, with right people.
Kepping everybody smile
Kepping everybody smile
Be a winner
Helping hand
Cost effective medicines
What are generic medicines?
Generic Medicines are those medicines which are marketed under a non-proprietary (Patent) or approved name rather than a proprietary or brand name.
Generic VS Branded
Generic Medicines are equally effective and inexpensive compared to their branded counterparts. E.g. : - Crocin contain the molecule Paracetamol and market with the brand name of crocin while Generic version also contain molecule Paracetamol and market with the name of paracetamol only.
Join us to win
Medicines are an integral part of everybody's life. There is an old saying… health is wealth. The saddest part is very few are wealthier in this manner. Different lifestyle diseases cause lifetime medication to so many people around us. We at Life Start Generic Pharma are committed to establish a healthy market of Generic Medicines all over India.

Establishment, products, marketing, on site training, everything will be provided by us to make you successful.
Why Life Start Generic Pharma
Life Start generic Pharma provide medicines at an affordable price. All products are NABL certified and have Certificate of Authenticity. All products are manufactured in WHO certified plants.
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