ABOUT US - Life Start Generic Pharmacy

Monday to Saturday - 9.30 to19.30
Sunday - Closed
    77 22 04 83 83.
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In a simple words...
We are here to make you successful.

We are
A group of successful venture capitalists, working together in various profit making business opportunities.
We work
We work to make you successful by planning & executing business ventures in widespread market of pharmacy.
We believe
We believe in making you successful by establishing a business opportunity at your location.
About us
Life Start Generic Pharma is an outcome of combined efforts from social & like minded people in various sectors. Generic Pharmacy is a widely growing activity in retail pharmaceutical sector all over the globe. Revenue of generic drugs in the prescribed drug market in India has grown from 6.9 billion US dollars in the year 2008 to 27.9 billion US dollars in the year 2020*. Approximately 400% growth in just 12 years. This growth can be strategically encashed with a proper vision and a way of working. We are a certified Generic Pharma distributors operating pan India. We provide the state of the art store facility with the highest standards in current market along with quality products which are reliable and affordable to any buyer. No wonder if we grab a bit of existing pharma market as our products are 30% to 80% cost effective with zero quality compromise. Helping our customers to save money is a golden way to earn profit.
The utmost bliss for you is, an easy and convenient process to be a part of Life Start Generic Pharma. Join us as a franchise and let us handle the difficult part of the process. You be comfortably relaxed and rest assured only by following our guidelines.
If you are looking for a long lasting and assured business opportunity; you are at the right place and with the right people. We are there to guide you and to make you successful.
Our mission is to become trusted leading national generic store player offering health solution with excellent customer service.
Life Start Generic Pharma shall take a leadership position by providing quality Generic Medicine at affordable prices by expanding our presence in India with more than 25000+ stores.
"We believe that, getting together is a symbol of success"
     77 22 04 83 83
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